Monday, December 4, 2017

Identity Theft... Same old yet very serious problem (1)

As a result of how significantly social networks have grow nowadays in America and around the world, there's also a significant increase in the number of new users (including the so called "bots" and "trolls") "ready" to go for it (even though they could lack a clear and, above all, safe idea about what they are doing) opening accounts mostly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Whatsapp.

If you are one of those new users, Should you nal ask yourself if you are educated enough to create accounts on "trendy" social networks having in mind a clear and safe idea what they are doing? Do you really have a clear and safe idea about what you are doing? Nothing personal but I suspect you don't...

Did you know that identity theft is a cybercrime that has experienced a huge growth happening even right now and in a worst case scenario, your identity and money can be stolen leaving you virtually "inexistent" and indebted because of stuff you didn't buy? Did you know that considering how serious this crime is the FBI is explaining you what to do if your personal information has suffered a breach?

Would you care to consider the following examples of how serious the problem is?

Considering how important this subject is not only for your own safety while you are online but for your identity and above all, for your money, the idea behind these comments is suggest you a practical and concrete informational reference for your consideration in order to provide you ideas as to how healthy (if it's your plan) is to open new accounts on whatever social media platforms you think are "cool" without keeping in mind your online safe, their privacy rules and how your personal information will be "safe".

In addition, I would suggest you too to get rid of preconceived ideas as to how "cool" is to keep a bunch of accounts on whatever social media platforms you may want to belong to and become the "proud" owner of a "good online status"; even though such status exists, if you're one of the few who earned that status thanks to a serious and careful online experience and above all, if you're cautious enough to not digest stories of "successful online stars", "successful online players" (you name it) in order to avoid being the prey of common online tricks such as "Congratulations! You're the happy winner of our #1 price!", "Click on the below mentioned link and enjoy your online experience!", etc, you will be indeed a safer online participant.

The aforementioned, is one of many examples however, cybercriminals stealing online identities are really clever to trick people online by using very good social engineering traps.

I can suggest you other informational sources about identity theft on common social media platforms:

In addition, in a next comment about this key topic and its impact, I'll suggest you other informational sources about the how deceitful social engineering is and last but no least, another related topic: similar tricks on email messages where unaware users get trapped.

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