Thursday, May 23, 2013

A little financial challenge?

We've watched on numerous occasions the same (rather) old (useless?) discussion between political parties and politicians criticizing mostly what their counterparts do "in the name of our personal - social wellbeing" but what should we think when a couple of individuals express a well founded criticism about the way governments run the Economy and people still fail to manage their money with all the negative financial consequences they still grapple with because of indebtedness, mortgages, defaults, bankruptcies?

I invite you to consider these videos (the second one was captioned for Spanish speaking viewers) where two knowledgeable individuals argue about how governments and individuals (stupid?) fail in running the Economy and their own money; even though I decided to point out on a previous post about my refusal to mix politicians' difficulties in talking about the Economy, National Budgets, Debt, Student debt, Health care, Retirement, Unemployment with the crucial importance of Financial Literacy, these videos also made me think about the following "challenge" I want to suggest you:

How about if I offer you the idea that the US Government has been performing a reasonably good effort in providing the public on Main Street a set of useful educational tools intended to spread Financial Literacy on an increasingly broader basis?

How about if I dare to "challenge" you to contact your own representative(s) on Capitol Hill and ask him - her what he - she will do after listening to what you have say about how a huge problem involving Student Debt will be solved?

How about if I dare to "challenge" you to study all the available information involving your own money and those practical ways to become a financially savvy consumer that has a clear knowledge as to what to do to avoid financial problems and -why not- ask your representative(s) for concrete solutions?

Is not that difficult you know... It's up to you; the best time to start is now.

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