Thursday, September 21, 2017

America and you... Are you healthy enough?

Let's consider the same problem not only in America but all over the world... Why do most people tend to ignore the importance of personal finance in terms of making poor decisions as to how to save, spend and invest their money?

May I have your leniency if I share with you the following modest yet critical idea? Are you knowledgeable enough (even slightly) not only to save, spend and invest but to manage your money to make your personal finance grow over the years in order to plan for future spending in education for your kids and (crude reality) your retirement and... take care of your own health when the time comes?

Would you consider a little reminder as to how critical this subject is?

Let's consider at least for a moment the following: Would you like to think (just a little bit) about your life expectancy considering your health care resources?

So... How do you feel financially in 2017?

Now... talking about your financial health... May I invite you to find out how healthy you are?

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